
2021年11月26日—igicancontinueusingreduxlol,iwantedtotryvoidswbecauseiheardreduxhasinvisibleminesoraimingandmouseissues, ...,2020年5月20日—Thisgamehavenegativeaccelerationanddropsreports.,2013年7月20日—IjusttriedtheReduxversionithasthesamemouseaimproblemofmovingmoreleftthanright,verticalaimseemstobefixedthough.,2013年5月30日—MouseCPIhasnothingtodowithit,itisaproblemwiththegameit'sself.ShadowWar...

voidsw not working

2021年11月26日 — ig i can continue using redux lol, i wanted to try voidsw because i heard redux has invisible mines or aiming and mouse issues, ...

[UNSUPPORTED] Shadow Warrior Classic Redux

2020年5月20日 — This game have negative acceleration and drops reports.

Shadow Warrior Classic Redux still has mouse problem!

2013年7月20日 — I just tried the Redux version it has the same mouse aim problem of moving more left than right, vertical aim seems to be fixed though.

Mouse aiming left and up more than down and right. Is ...

2013年5月30日 — Mouse CPI has nothing to do with it, it is a problem with the game it's self. Shadow Warrior Redux is still getting support, so I am looking ...

Why is it so hard to aim in classic Shadow Warrior?

2016年12月31日 — Redux and the original. Even with tweaked mouse sensitivity. Same with Duke and Blood. It just all feels very off and jerky.

Mouse lag issue? :

2013年7月13日 — There is no fix for the mouse dead issue in Shadow Warrior. General Arcade is aware of the problem. This problem was reported to General Arcade ...

How Broken :

2019年6月7日 — The mouse aiming is bad only if you don't set it up properly. Long as you get your X and Y axes right and turn off V-Sync (it makes things worse) ...

Shadow Warrior Classic Redux

2024年4月1日 — Mouse look is incredibly wonky • Link · Go to <path-to-game> -gameroot . · Open sw-redux.cfg with a text editor and find the lines MouseScaleX and ...

Shadow Warrior Redux on Steam runs terribly for me

2018年3月5日 — I get variable input lag in the mouse, strange screen distortion and framerate drops here and there. It has a really gross jittery look to it.

Shadow Warrior (1997)

2024年6月3日 — To fix this, go to the Setup Advanced Control Options from Control Setup, then at Advanced Mouse Setup change the Mouse Y Scale to negative ...